Stories of Hope

Wessie van der Westhuizen

Senior Pastor
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

One of the greatest challenges of leading, is the ability to lead yourself. But to do that, I believe it is crucial that you recognize the importance of allowing trusted friends to come close enough to support you in that. Yet, although this sounds so simple, it is often a very rare reality for many of us as leaders for two reasons; we don’t think we need it and secondly, we don’t have too many such friends around that are available to help in this way.

That all changes when you meet a man called Terry Fouche. What a joy it has been to have him come into my life with no other objective but simply to help me relate more closely to God and support me to go deeper in that. Many advisors or life coaches are keen on helping you become better leaders, better husbands or just better people; which is commendable; but Terry’s heart of coming alongside you to help you grow in loving God more intimately and experiencing the joy of that, is quite rare. 

I am extremely thankful for the regular times with him that challenge me, guide me and inspire me towards a more meaningful and fruitful walk with God. These moments are indeed adding much value to all I feel I am called to be and to do for God and something well worth prioritizing.

Sajith Premachandra

Church Planter
Sri Lanka

“I’d heard of Terry but didn’t really ‘know’ him until we met at a gathering in East Sussex in early 2019. One of his many unique qualities is the ability to make you feel at ease from the get-go. He’s just easy to chat with – I needed that.

It was a time in my life when I was seriously considering stepping away from the ministry that God had called me to. I was tired, frustrated, stressed, and very close to burnout. Then I sat down to chat with Terry. The details of that conversation are a blur but here’s what I do remember. I felt seen, I felt heard, and I felt like the things I carried in my heart mattered to the person sitting so relaxed across from me.

I’m Sri Lankan – being open and vulnerable doesn’t come quickly to us and yet, this gentle, soft-spoken man managed to overcome cultural barriers and tease out the real issues from the ones blown out of proportion. The upshot of that conversation is that it changed the trajectory of my life.

Fast-forward to 2023 - in a few months my wife and I leave Dubai, our home for the past eighteen years, and where we have been on eldership for nine of them, to plant a church in Negombo, a city on the west coast of Sri Lanka.

Today, I consider it a privilege to have Terry as a friend, mentor, and companion on this gospel adventure.”

Sarah Clay BEM

CEO, Voices of Hope
United Kingdom

Working with Terry has been an absolute delight and incredibly helpful!

As a CEO of a busy charity, I have a demanding job and he has brought consistent encouragement, insight, and spiritual direction. Terry has provided gentle guidance and resources which have helped me to develop some beautiful spiritual practices such as Breath prayers and Gratitude journaling. The daily disciplines of these practices are enabling me to learn how to abide in God's presence in the middle of my everyday. Terry has an exceptional ability to ask challenging questions that help you to understand what is behind some of the roadblocks in your heart and mind. He doesn't sugar-coat the hardships and reality of life/this world, but shows you how to tap into God's enabling grace - to find a place of deeper trust and friendship with God that provides strength to stand and to engage in the brokenness of the world around us. I am growing in the ability to see God's hand of goodness and loving kindness that is at work in and throughout my life. As my ability to focus on God grows, my faith vision is enlarging for what God is calling me to.

Katie Ruiz

Church Planter

“I am thankful that Terry is one of the few people who has been a friend through many stages of my life.

For over two decades, he has continually walked beside me in the best and worst of times, always encouraging me to pursue the life and love manifested by Jesus Christ on earth. He continues demonstrating his genuine care by his perpetual encouragement and love towards me and my family.”

Brian Steele

Pastor, Best-selling Author, Senior Spiritual Director
United States

“Terry Fouche has been part of breakthrough work in my life as a leader, husband, and follower of Jesus. 

His finesse, discernment, and expertise in soul care are an overflow of the transformation he has personally experienced.  Terry is truly a world-class "wounded healer" who partners with Jesus to deeply restore people with demanding leadership and ministry roles.

Bre Golden

Pastor & Founder of WAVES Ministries
San Diego, CA

My path first crossed with Terry, when I attended a church staff retreat he was teaching at and facilitating. I left that weekend with a new mentor and friend.

This was a challenging season of life for me, as I was navigating a significant change in ministry assignment. God used Terry to strengthen my faith to walk in the convictions I was sensing, as well as to encourage me in my call. Through Terry’s practical and spiritual wisdom, the Spirit brought me scaffolding in the disorientation of transition. “Sage” is not a common word of use in our current culture, but this is the word I attribute to Terry Fouche.

As an anointed listener, Terry carries a unique ability to truly hear someone’s heart WHILE simultaneously listening to the Spirit on their behalf.

His gift of discernment is prophetic. The way he walks out that gift is pastoral.

He is a true pastor of the people and a pastor of pastors.

If you have the honor of being in his care, you will experience the arms and heart of Jesus through another.

Dr. Janet K Ballard

Christian School Administrator 

“I am so grateful for the time and spiritual guidance I have received from Terry.

In my 21 years of ministry, I had never taken a sabbatical. Terry gave me the courage and guidance to give myself permission to admit my need. He also helped me craft a plan and an “ask” for my board.  My sabbatical changed my outlook and, in turn, my life. If you are bone tired, I recommend that you reach out to Terry. Let God use him to help the healing begin.”

Amy Dalke

Senior Spiritual Director, Special Ministry Assistant - Soul Shepherding
United States

"Wow" is my typical response during a session with Terry.

That's because he is gifted at listening to Holy Spirit and guiding me to the heart of the matter at hand. Through spiritual direction and coaching, Terry has helped me integrate head knowledge about my identity in Christ into my everyday life experience. God is actively working for good on my behalf, and the transformation I have gained through working with Terry is proof of that.”